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Found 1210 results searching All Categories
Downloads: 1892 Description Excerpt: Shutdown4U ist ein Prgramm, das zeitgesteuert Windows herunterfahren kann. Dabei können alle vier...
Downloads: 1890 Description Excerpt: Wallpaper4U ist ein einfach zu bedienender Wallpaper Manager. Er erlaubt es, Hintergrundbilder in...
Downloads: 1889 Description Excerpt: BitMeter 2 is a bandwidth meter, it allows you to visually monitor your internet connection by di...
Downloads: 1885 Description Excerpt: Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP, WebDAV, Cloud Files, Google Docs, and Amazon S3 client ...
Downloads: 1877 Description Excerpt: This is hardly known, but great Post Rock from Germany, somewhere between Mogwai, Sigur Rós and ...
Downloads: 1876 Description Excerpt: This is my version of the game MasterMind. Check it out!E' la mia versione del gioco MasterMind. ...
Downloads: 1862 Description Excerpt: IPCOP is a very good Linux Router / Firewall Distro...This is the Update to version 1.4.21...whic...
Downloads: 1860 Description Excerpt: La Traslator Crew di & annuncia la pubblicazione della Rev.1 della trad...
Downloads: 1857 Description Excerpt: Opera is a fast, secure and reliable webbrowser. It comes with tons of features out of the box (t...
Downloads: 1856 Description Excerpt: The same libs provided by zz, libpng updated to v1.4.1;deleted .sln files and modified the readme...
Downloads: 1854 Description Excerpt: Take several sources of audio (and video!) that were never meant to be together. Put them togethe...
Downloads: 1853 Description Excerpt: This essay explores OSS and explains why it is more than just ‘sharing’. Having outlined OSS’s ...
Downloads: 1852 Description Excerpt: Attaining the Worlds Beyond: is a first step toward discovering the ultimate fulfillment of spiri...
Downloads: 1851 Description Excerpt: 2 packages of high quality (6-10Mpix) photos by photographer Daniel Weberruß.Vol.1 Landwirtschaft...
Downloads: 1848 Description Excerpt: Sigster is a search engine that finds hash quicklinks on the web. These quicklinks helps you down...
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