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Baen Ebook CD-Rom Library Vol's 01-08

Released by KWP on 30. September 2005 at 13:00:09GMT [Report Bad Release]
Product Homepage: http://www.baen.com
  Downloaded 54559 times (rated Average; 3 out of 5 from 17 votes) 
Baen Ebook CD-Rom Library Vol's 01-08
Moderator Verified
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Below please find links to 9 CD-Rom ISO's. The publisher, Jim Baen, of Baen Books (Premier Science Fiction and Fantasy Publisher), in collaboration with many of his top authors, included in 7 hardcover books recently CD's. Each of these CD's contained 20+ Ebooks, in various unencrypted forms. The 2nd, 3rd, & 4th include the unabridged book in MP3 Audio. While all this may sound amazing, the kicker is that he is also allowing unlimited copying of these CD's for distribution through ANY AND ALL non-commercial means. what this means in non-legalese, is that this is great stuff for a P2P community. - You may burn these and give them away. You may put them on an ftp site, a website, or whatever you wish, as long as you do not charge in any way for it. (For the astute reader, 2 of the disks were never bound into a book, but released as Promo's only) - *.z7 or 7Zip archives can be opened with WinRar and 7Zip Software
With Jim's explicit Blessing! and with Unknown1's approval, I am releasing these CD's here. The first file has print ready images of the CD labels for disks 1-8. The second file has a complete listing of the stories and authors involved in disks 1-6 (An update to come soon will add disks 6.022, 7, and 8). The 9 disks are complete iso rips, burnable by any CD burner software. ISO's are also mountable as drives through some simple software, and WinRAR can also simple open them as an archive. In short - Enjoy, Share, and spread the word.



Edit - Added Fifth Disk - From Mercedes Lackey "This Scepter'd Isle".

Edit - Added sixth Disk - From David Weber's "Windrider's Oath" Includes the three Bahzell novels, as well as other goodies. I have updated the Disk Label rar and added the 6th disk for now.

Edit - I have now updated the Contents list to include info for all 6 CD's (Thanks Martin)

Edit - Added Disks 6.022, 7, & 8

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 Download complete release as eMule-Collection (Get All Files)
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 01-06 - ....zip [QuickLink] 21.75 KB  4915 
  Baen CD-Rom Library - Disk Label....7z [QuickLink] 1.4 MB  3742 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 01 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 130.8 MB  3729 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 02 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 338.28 MB  3536 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 03 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 380.48 MB  3413 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 04 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 452.29 MB  3355 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 05 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 44.46 MB  3414 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 06 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 164.65 MB  3362 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 06.022E2....7z [QuickLink] 75.16 MB  3513 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 07 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 101.32 MB  3634 
  Baen CD-Rom Library Vol 08 - Ebo....7z [QuickLink] 104.83 MB  4089 
 Discussion Hide Logger
13 - Posted by abdollah on 17. December 2007 at 11:15:54GMT
how to downloaded this files ?
12 - Posted by jxzjxzjxz on 08. November 2005 at 09:55:54GMT
how to open the downloaded files with .7z?

with what tools,pls tell me. thanks!
11 - Posted by TRACKER on 30. September 2005 at 13:00:05GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator
10 - Posted by KWP on 03. January 2005 at 03:41:35GMT
These files are still seeded on the network, and I regularly have people downloading them from me. Please make sure you are connected to a largish server to do your initial search, or search on the Kad Network.
9 - Posted by roap5080 on 11. November 2004 at 18:51:24GMT
It´s impossible to make download the files Baen Ebook CD-Rom Library Vol's 01-06. What´s happen? it´s not approachable.
8 - Posted by TRACKER on 02. May 2004 at 12:17:36GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator Ornis
7 - Posted by KWP on 02. May 2004 at 03:31:46GMT
I have updated the contents zip with a new set that lists files for all 6 CD's - Thanks

6 - Posted by TRACKER on 29. April 2004 at 14:10:30GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator Unknown1
5 - Posted by KWP on 29. April 2004 at 04:09:34GMT
I have updated the labels archive to include the disk labels for disks 5 and 6 (See the labels for a quick and easy license verification)
I have also added Disk #6 to the release.
Please Verify, list in the New Release box.


4 - Posted by TRACKER on 22. March 2004 at 20:13:12GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator Ornis
3 - Posted by KWP on 22. March 2004 at 14:19:58GMT
I have merely added the most recent cd-rom to this release. The terms and conditions have not changed. - Thank you - KWP
2 - Posted by TRACKER on 22. January 2004 at 14:38:24GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator Unknown1
1 - Posted by TRACKER on 22. January 2004 at 04:11:52GMT
Item was Released by user KWP

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