6 - Posted by jddavid on 11. September 2010 at 08:08:29GMT
Godhede=Godhood (wikipedia.org)
5 - Posted by jddavid on 09. September 2010 at 22:40:29GMT
To well respected Staff of eMule for fine download of Video-Audio products i must have been inspired by The Godhede to have my hand guided to your Work of Valour for having Only King James Bible beauty on download...Blessed be your work with Everybody preparing it in the Name of Favoured King James of England and jddavid fri 10sep2010
4 - Posted by Daphina on 20. November 2009 at 06:41:43GMT
I can't get the king james to download
3 - Posted by unowatt on 15. March 2007 at 21:53:19GMT
I can't get this file to download. I'm am very new at this but would love to have that bible. any advice. thanks.(I also don't understand why no one else will share this)
2 - Posted by peterpaulw on 09. June 2006 at 16:43:59GMT
Please continue sharing after download. No additional sources have shown up on Kad & Global Servers, even after dozens of downloads.
If you have trouble getting the whole file, just send me a message thru emule (Username: share-the-truth!), and I will give you a friend slot.