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Platz der Freundschaft

Released by Lydria on 17. December 2008 at 14:07:52GMT [Report Bad Release]
Product Homepage: http://www.platzderfreundschaft.de/
  Downloaded 59896 times (rated Poor; 2 out of 5 from 15 votes) 
Platz der Freundschaft
Other (See Description)
Moderator Verified
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Platz der Freundschaft - Die Indie Soap. Rostocks erste Soap

These are the first episode's of a new Soap.
A few people dicided to make their own Soap. They had no professional training or anythinf at the beginning. Now they are already 15 poeple are working on this Production, they also have already their own beer brand and many local volunteers.
Today the first 5 episode's are done and the next 5 are in Production.
The Soap already gets broatcasting from north Germany to Austria
Also new, is the Titlesong from the band named Hordac. This Badn ist from Rostock and most of the musik in the Soap are from this Band.
I love this Soap. These guys doing al hell of a job and everything in there free time. They get now money for it and hav a lot of fun.
I just love it.
(Sorry we dont have any Server wher we are able to put this files, so we only kan share it throw this.)
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  Theme Of Platz Der Freundschaft ....mp3 [QuickLink] 935.92 KB  2198 
  Theme Of Platz Der Freundschaft ....mp3 [QuickLink] 1.02 MB  2184 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge01 Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 392.97 MB  2059 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge02 Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 298.63 MB  2124 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge03 Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 315.63 MB  2020 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge04Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 341.1 MB  1998 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge05Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 340.21 MB  2073 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge06Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 332.18 MB  2081 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge07Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 340.99 MB  2050 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge08Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 337.87 MB  2082 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge09Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 382.56 MB  2024 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge10Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 385.12 MB  2043 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge11Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 383.93 MB  2005 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge12Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 392.86 MB  1998 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge13Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 366.18 MB  2000 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge14Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 393.03 MB  2000 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge15Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 389.77 MB  1963 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge16Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 389.55 MB  1996 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge17Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 393.26 MB  1999 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge18Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 398.59 MB  1918 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge19Roktv.avi [QuickLink] 390.76 MB  1954 
  Platz der Freundschaft Hinterden....avi [QuickLink] 499.01 MB  1929 
  Platz der Freundschaft Hinterden....avi [QuickLink] 492.31 MB  1945 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge20RokTV.avi [QuickLink] 390.71 MB  2021 
  Platz der Freundschaft Folge21RokTV.avi [QuickLink] 369.75 MB  1829 
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16 - Posted by TRACKER on 17. December 2008 at 14:07:52GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator tuxman
15 - Posted by TRACKER on 17. December 2008 at 14:07:47GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator tuxman
14 - Posted by TRACKER on 26. November 2008 at 08:24:56GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
13 - Posted by TRACKER on 24. November 2008 at 21:05:30GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator tuxman
12 - Posted by TRACKER on 12. November 2008 at 20:55:47GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
11 - Posted by TRACKER on 17. May 2008 at 14:44:35GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
10 - Posted by TRACKER on 21. April 2008 at 07:17:38GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
9 - Posted by TRACKER on 23. October 2007 at 07:40:39GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
8 - Posted by TRACKER on 02. August 2007 at 11:20:43GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator IceCube
7 - Posted by TRACKER on 26. May 2007 at 05:33:11GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator IceCube
6 - Posted by TRACKER on 15. May 2007 at 11:25:04GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
5 - Posted by soultcer on 19. March 2007 at 17:56:23GMT
There is actually just one person online who shares this file...
4 - Posted by TRACKER on 02. March 2007 at 01:35:55GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
3 - Posted by TRACKER on 01. March 2007 at 02:56:57GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
2 - Posted by TRACKER on 23. February 2007 at 10:52:46GMT
Item was Verified by Moderator birk
1 - Posted by TRACKER on 23. February 2007 at 01:53:34GMT
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