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D2X-XL (Windows: 1.15.67, Linux: 1.15.67, Mac OS X: 1.14.60, Data: 1.15.55)

Released by olofolleola4 on 14. April 2010 at 16:32:04GMT [Report Bad Release]
Product Homepage: http://www.descent2.de/
  Downloaded 8960 times (rated by nobody - be the first to rate!) 
D2X-XL (Windows: 1.15.67, Linux: 1.15.67, Mac OS X: 1.14.60, Data: 1.15.55)
Artist / Publisher
Dietfrid Mali
Open Source
Moderator Verified
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D2X-XL is an OpenGL port of the classic 3D Shooter game Descent 2 for Win32, Linux and Mac OS X, containing many enhancements and bug fixes while preserving full backwards compatibility.


The first Descent game had been published back in 1995 and at that time was the first computer game offering a true 3D environment you could move in at all 3 spatial axes. Hence it's often referred to as a 6dof (6 degrees of freedom) game. Descent 1 and 2 had been written as DOS based games using a software renderer. While there was a Windows 95 version later on, it never worked all that good with MS Windows. There were a few 3d accelerated versions made available when the first 3d acceleration hardware hit the market, most prominently a 3dfx version using the Glide API, but they could only be run from DOS as well. Descent 3, the last game from this franchise, finally came with - for its time - ultra-modern graphics and ran (and still runs) on both OpenGL and DirectX, while still offering nowadays rather obsolete Glide support, too. For many fans it is however a different game not quite keeping the look and feel of the first two games of the series. Sure, it looks nicer, but a game's priority should be game play.

The times of DOS are long since gone, and even Windows 95 and its successors are doomed. While you can run the Windows 95 version of Descent 2 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, it is hardly playable there. Fortunately, a bunch of die hard Descent fans were determined to save this game and created OpenGL versions of both Descent 1 and Descent 2, that can be executed on Linux, Mac OS 8/9/X, and MS Windows. This site is dedicated to D2X-XL, as imo it offers all D1X has, and then some.

To help old and new D2 fans to get D2X-XL to work and fully exploit its features, I have created this small online manual. While it is partially outdated due to repeated changes to various menus, it will still give you a good overview over the program. You can always press F1 in any menu to have D2X-XL display a description of the currently highlighted menu item and what it does.


D2X is a port of Descent 2 to OpenGL. It is an open source project and has received a lot of enhancements compared to Descent 2. My work on this project would not have been possible if hadn't been for the people who initially implemented the OpenGL and SDL code in D2X, so my thanks to them: It is for them that we can still play this great game on modern hardware. My thanks also to the many people who have provided input for this project, be it in the form of bug reports, great ideas, logos, encouragement, or other.

Descent 2 is a pretty old game, and further development has slowed down; so there are a few issues - some still stemming from the original Descent 2 - that have never been adressed or solved in D2X.

As I still like Descent 2 pretty much, I was always looking for a way to get rid of the things that plagued me most in Descent 2. Getting hold of the D2X source files and being able to create a MS Visual C++ 6 project for D2X finally enabled me to fix these annoyances.


* Full colored lighting, lightmaps, per pixel lighting

* Smoke, lightning, volumetric glare, gun effects (light and smoke trails, tracers, lightning bolts, dynamic shield effects, thruster flames, transparent, additively blended explosions)

* Anaglyph 3D rendering (amber/blue, red/cyan, green/magenta)

* Many multiplayer enhancements (true CTF, Entropy, Monsterball, up to 16 players, tracker support, UDP/IP connectivity)

* Massive level building enhancements (up to 8000 segments and 2000 walls, new segment types, new programmable trigger types, sound and effect objects, cameras, in-level teleports)

* Many gameplay enhancements (improved collision detection, improved collision physics, framerate independent weapon behavior, improved cockpit)

* High resolution textures, ship and robot models, high quality sound

* Allows full per mission modding of all game elements (models, AI, textures, sound, music)

* In-game context-based help function

* Improved, automatic installation

* and much, much more
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 Download complete release as eMule-Collection (Get All Files)
  d2x-xl-win-1.15.67.exe [QuickLink] 26.9 MB  1411 
  d2x-xl-osx-1.14.202.dmg [QuickLink] 8.23 MB  1239 
  d2x-xl-demo.i386.deb [QuickLink] 3.08 MB  1239 
  d2x-xl-data-1.15.55.rar [QuickLink] 22.24 MB  1270 
  d2x-xl-src-1.15.67.rar [QuickLink] 1.88 MB  1209 
  d2demodata.rar [QuickLink] 2.8 MB  1295 
  d2lvlpck.rar [QuickLink] 20.34 MB  1297 
 Discussion Show Logger
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